Radio Health Talk

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Our Health Talk Files

Easily download audio files to your local computer for convenient listening anytime, anywhere.

November 2024: Ulcers Awareness

October 2024: Hepatitis B Talk

September 2024: Cholera Awareness

August 2024: Snakes Bite

July 2024: Malaria Outbreak

June 2024: Diarrhea & Dysentery

May 2024: TB & Pneumonia

April 2024: STIs/STDs

March 2024: HIV/AIDS Counselling & Testing

February 2024: Breastfeeding

a row of folders sitting on top of a table
a row of folders sitting on top of a table

What the community say...

Listen to health talk audio files and download for offline access.

Informative and engaging content. Love the variety of topics covered.

Tong Tong
person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs
person wearing orange and gray Nike shoes walking on gray concrete stairs

Palal, Tonj East

Great resource for health information. Easy to use and informative content.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime
people laughing and talking outside during daytime
Alice Juma

Bongo Area
