Our Maternity unit has a bed capacity of 20, delivery room, Ultrasound room, delivery waiting room and Antenatal Care room.

Tonj Civil Hospital provides well-trained team provides comprehensive care required to maintain women’s health at our generous capacity.

We have compassionate approach to care and offer a 24/7 cover to assure you of the best quality medical service by our team.

Our approach to maternity care is grounded in respect for individual and cultural choices in childbirth, supported by availability of our standard care and facilities.

Our goal is to provide comfort and safety to both the child and mother during birthing process. We understand the emotional struggle and beaming joy that the family experiences during this time, hence we strongly encourage family presence during this process.

In ANC, we offer monitoring of your health and your baby’s development throughout pregnancy. We encourage pregnant mothers in the community through TCH Radio Health Talk to attended ANC from 12 weeks of pregnancy. We also provide HIV/TB support and treatment to expectant mothers.

We also offer Cesarean Section to pregnant mothers in emergency situations. Our able team of Medical Officers carry out this activity.

When we used to have a General Surgeon specialist during HPF project that ended on 31st June 2024, he used to supervise the operations.

Under HSTP, our hospital has been denied a specialist. TCH Medical Director, Dr. Wol Wol Dut, is doing his best to ensure that HSTP re-instates the position of General Surgeon and to also add Gynecologist into the staffing.


  • Ultrasound has broken down.

    Our Ultrasound machine broke down in 15th July 2024. We haven’t been able to finance it repair in Juba.

    We are in communication with AMREF to send a biomedical engineer to repair it. Without an ultrasound, our quality of care diminishes.

  • Lacking neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

    TCH has no nursery for neonate patients. We usually refer them a Indeed and Truth Ministries Clinic which is a few meters away from us.

    They have neonatal ICU properly equipped with incubators, oxygen machines, etc. We look forward to the government of South Sudan and partnering NGOs of GOSS to construct for us an ICU.

  • Poor sewage system due to spolied and blocked pipes.

    Similarly to Pediatrics Ward, the drainage system in Maternity Ward is delipidated. We have running water powered by solar pump and septic tanks located within the hospital, however, the breaking down and blockage of pipes makes it difficult to have a comfortable use to this water and toilets within the buildings.

  • Infrastructure

    Our Maternity Unit building is extremely old and needs renovation. The drainage system needs renovation. The rooms are too small to accommodate the large number of patients we attend to daily.

    We have 80-100 deliveries monthly at our maternity unit. Some of these births are complicated deliveries referred from PHCCs and PHCUs across Greater Tonj Area and 2 neighboring states.

    We have a New Maternity Complex donated by the generous family of Hon. Abak, former Minister of Health of Warrap State.

    This facility has been recommended by her family to be renovated and to be officially opened by the government.

    The wooden ceilings have fallen down and need to be fixed. The hospital hasn’t been able to renovate it yet but we are still working on it.